Inclusion in Plant ID / Comparison Guides

This photo is featured in 2 plant ID/comparison guides:

collage of Late Boneset and Tall Thoroughwort

Late Boneset (Eupatorium serotinum) vs. Tall Thoroughwort (Eupatorium altissimum)

Updated August 17th, 2022

These similar plants have a wide range of overlap and often occur together in open, disturbed ground. They are easily told apart by a close look at their leaves, flowers, or seedheads. Their names are misleading in that late boneset can sometimes grow taller, and their bloom times are similar. Eupatorium serotinum ranges into wetter habitats, and ranges farther south, whereas Eupatorium altissimum ranges into drier habitats, especially on calcareous soils, and ranges farther northwest. Overlap is greater in anthropogenic habitats than in natural areas. These two species can hybridize, so it may not be possible to identify all individuals.

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collage of White Snakeroot and Late Boneset

White Snakeroot (Ageratina altissima) vs. Late Boneset (Eupatorium serotinum)

Updated October 29th, 2019

These plants often occur in the same habitat, and can be tricky to distinguish early in the season. They are more distinctive when blooming.

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