Dead and Stressed Trees in Landscaping, Commack, NY (on Long Island)

a street with a dead tree next to it, several other trees relatively short and sparse on leaves

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Taken on Aug. 20, 2022

Sights like this dead street tree in Commack, NY are common on the portion of Long Island with coarse, sandy soils, the Cape Cod/Long Island ecoregion in our scheme. Note also that the other trees tend to be short and somewhat sparse. This sickly landscaping is a direct result of nurseries selling the same generic plants here they sell everywhere. If they instead sold drought-tolerant species adapted to these soils, such as pitch pine (Pinus rigida), chestnut oak (Quercus montana), white oak (Quercus alba), and black oak (Quercus velutina), especially if they were derived from local stock, the trees would be healthier.

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