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Ecoregions of Washington (State)

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Map Legend & Subregion List

This list will help you navigate the regions in case you have problems with viewing or clicking the interactive map above.

NameColor on Map
Loess Islands
Pleistocene Lake Basins
Okanogan Drift Hills
Dissected Loess Uplands
Yakima Folds
Maritime-Influenced Zone
Palouse Hills
Deep Loess Foothills
Canyons and Dissected Highlands
Canyons and Dissected Uplands
Mesic Forest Zone
Western Okanogan Semiarid Foothills
Selkirk Mountains
Western Selkirk Maritime Forest
Coastal Uplands
Coastal Lowlands
San Juan Islands
Eastern Puget Riverine Lowlands
Eastern Puget Uplands
Central Puget Lowland
Southern Puget Prairies
Cowlitz/Chehalis Foothills
Valley Foothills
Western Cascades Montane Highlands
Cascade Subalpine/Alpine
North Cascades Highland Forests
North Cascades Subalpine/Alpine
Chiwaukum Hills and Lowlands
High Olympics
Yakima Plateau and Slopes
Grand Fir Mixed Forest
Channeled Scablands
Lower Snake and Clearwater Canyons
Okanogan Valley
Olympic Rainshadow
Subalpine-Alpine Zone
High Northern Rockies
Spokane Valley Outwash Plains
Inland Maritime Foothills and Valleys
Northern Idaho Hills and Low Relief Mountains
Okanogan-Colville Xeric Valleys and Foothills
Okanogan Highland Dry Forest
Low Olympics
Willapa Hills
Fraser Lowland
Cowlitz/Newaukum Prairie Floodplains
Portland/Vancouver Basin
Western Cascades Lowlands and Valleys
Cascade Crest Montane Forest
North Cascades Lowland Forests
Pasayten/Sawtooth Highlands
Okanogan Pine/Fir Hills
Chelan Tephra Hills
Wenatchee/Chelan Highlands
Oak/Conifer Foothills

† Status: ✓ = Complete ○ = Needs Image … = Incomplete ∅ = Stub Only


Partially Complete
With Images
Complete w/ Images

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