Home » Search: All Plants Native in Northern Piedmont

1567 Plants Found

Page 1 2 3 4 of 4 pages with 1567 plants, 500 per page.

Ordered by common name.

Scientific NameCommon NameMap‡
Oclemena acuminata (Michx.) Greenewhorled wood aster
Lysimachia quadrifolia L.whorled yellow loosestrife
Phlox latifolia Michx.Wideflower Phlox
Silene stellata (L.) W.T. Aitonwidowsfrill
Monarda fistulosa L.Wild Bergamot
Andersonglossum virginianum (L.) J.I.CohenWild Comfrey
Echinocystis lobata (Michx.) Torr. & A. Graywild cucumber
Hydrangea arborescens L.Wild Hydrangea
Lithospermum virginianum L.Wild Job's Tears
Parthenium integrifolium L.Wild Quinine
Aralia nudicaulis L.wild sarsaparilla
Phlox maculata L.Wild Sweetwilliam
Dioscorea villosa L.wild yam
Carex willdenowii Schkuhr ex Willd.Willdenow's sedge
Quercus phellos L.Willow Oak
Symphyotrichum praealtum (Poir.) G.L. Nesomwillowleaf aster
Lythrum alatum PurshWinged Lythrum
Rhus copallinum L.Winged Sumac
Ludwigia decurrens Walterwingleaf primrose-willow
Verbesina alternifolia (L.) Britton ex KearneyWingstem
Agrostis hyemalis (Walter) Britton, Sterns & Poggenb.Winter Bentgrass
Ilex verticillata (L.) A. GrayWinterberry
Muhlenbergia frondosa (Poir.) FernaldWirestem Muhly
Panicum flexile (Gattinger) Scribn.wiry panicgrass
Panicum capillare L.witchgrass
Antennaria plantaginifolia (L.) RichardsonWoman's Tobacco
Anemone quinquefolia L.wood anemone
Lilium philadelphicum L.wood lily
Parthenocissus vitacea (Knerr) Hitchc.Woodbine
Dryopteris ×triploidea Woodfern
Poa sylvestris A. Graywoodland bluegrass
Scirpus expansus Fernaldwoodland bulrush
Linum virginianum L.woodland flax
Equisetum sylvaticum L.woodland horsetail
Lactuca floridana (L.) Gaertn.Woodland Lettuce
Muhlenbergia sylvatica (Torr.) Torr. ex A. GrayWoodland Muhly
Juncus subcaudatus (Engelm.) Coville & S.F. Blakewoodland rush
Sedum ternatum Michx.Woodland Stonecrop
Helianthus divaricatus L.woodland sunflower
Scirpus cyperinus (L.) KunthWoolgrass
Hudsonia tomentosa Nutt.woolly beachheather
Carex pellita Muhl. ex Willd.woolly sedge
Carex lasiocarpa Ehrh.woollyfruit sedge
Aristida lanosa Muhl. ex ElliottWoollysheath Threeawn
Solidago rugosa Mill.Wrinkleleaf Goldenrod
Rubus frondosus Bigelowyankee blackberry
Geum aleppicum Jacq.Yellow Avens
Betula alleghaniensis BrittonYellow Birch
Verbesina occidentalis (L.) WalterYellow Crownbeard
Platanthera ciliaris (L.) Lindl.yellow fringed orchid
Corydalis flavula (Raf.) DC.yellow fumewort
Agastache nepetoides (L.) KuntzeYellow Giant Hyssop
Sorghastrum nutans (L.) NashYellow Indiangrass
Caltha palustris L.Yellow Marsh Marigold
Paronychia virginica Spreng.Yellow Nailwort
Cyperus esculentus L.Yellow Nutsedge
Passiflora lutea L.yellow passionflower
Taenidia integerrima (L.) Drudeyellow pimpernel
Nuphar advena (Aiton) W.T.AitonYellow Pond-Lily
Bartonia virginica "(L.) Brittonyellow screwstem
Ranunculus flabellaris Raf.Yellow Water Buttercup
Liparis loeselii (L.) Rich.yellow widelip orchid
Triosteum angustifolium L.Yellowfruit Horse-Gentian
Carex annectens (E.P. Bicknell) E.P. BicknellYellowfruit Sedge
Lindernia dubia (L.) Pennellyellowseed false pimpernel
Utricularia subulata L.Zigzag Bladderwort
Solidago flexicaulis L.Zigzag goldenrod

Page 1 2 3 4 of 4 pages with 1567 plants, 500 per page.

Article Status: ✓ = complete

Range map status: ∅ = No map,
= Our research
, accurate to lv (1,2,3,4) ecoregions,
= tentative, excludes Canada & Mexico
ERA = auto-generated from ERA data.


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Range Map
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