Home » Search: All Plants in Atlantic Coastal Pine Barrens

3014 Plants Found

Page 1 2 3 ... 5 6 7 of 7 pages with 3014 plants, 500 per page.

Ordered by scientific name.

Scientific NameCommon NameMap‡
Xyris smalliana NashSmall's yelloweyed grass
Xyris torta Sm.slender yelloweyed grass
Youngia japonica (L.) DC.Oriental false hawksbeard
Yucca flaccida Haw.Weak-Leaf Yucca
Zannichellia palustris L.Horned Pondweed
Zanthoxylum americanum Mill.common pricklyash
Zea mays L.corn
Zelkova serrata (Thunb.) MakinoJapanese Zelkova
Zizania aquatica L.Annual Wildrice
Zizania palustris L.Northern Wildrice
Zizia aptera (A. Gray) FernaldHeart-Leaf Golden Alexander
Zizia aurea (L.) W.D.J. KochGolden Alexanders
Zostera marina L.seawrack
Zoysia japonica Steud.Korean lawngrass

Page 1 2 3 ... 5 6 7 of 7 pages with 3014 plants, 500 per page.

Article Status: ✓ = complete

Range map status: ∅ = No map,
= Our research
, accurate to lv (1,2,3,4) ecoregions,
= tentative, excludes Canada & Mexico
ERA = auto-generated from ERA data.

Map Legend: Native Introduced Expanded


Article Complete
Range Map
Map to L2
Map to L3

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