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American Basswood vs Littleleaf Linden

This guide is under construction and has not been published yet. It may have errors. When in doubt, double-check other sources for definitive ID.

These species are sometimes confused as they have many similar characteristics, including leaf shape. They are usually easily distinguished by leaf size.

American Basswood (Tilia americana)

Littleleaf Linden (Tilia cordata)

A large deciduous tree native to the eastern and midwestern U.S.
Much larger leaves (7-20cm long) with more (usually 9-11) side-veins per leaf.
Photo © Blake Bringhurst, CC BY 4.0.
Much smaller leaves (3-9 cm long) with fewer (5-7) side-veins per leaf.
Photo © Nate Martineau, CC BY 4.0.
Cotyledons (first leaf-like structures originating as part of the seed) of seedlings usually 5-lobed. Lobes longer, narrower. 2nd and 4th lobes usually shorter than middle and edge lobes.
Photo © Mary Krieger, CC BY 4.0.
Cotyledons of seedlings usually 7-lobed. Lobes usually shorter and stouter. Two lobes closest to the edge are usually the smallest.
Photo © lotteryd, Public Domain.
Photo © , .
Photo © er-birds, CC BY 4.0.

References & External Resources

These short lists show only links helpful for ID. For a complete list of references and resources also covering other aspects of ecology, visit the links section of the full article on each plant, which is the first entry here.

American Basswood (Tilia americana)

Littleleaf Linden (Tilia cordata)

Tilia americana | Go Botany (About This Site)

Tilia cordata | Go Botany (About This Site)

Tilia americana (American Basswood) | Illinois Wildflowers (About This Site)

No corresponding entry

American Basswood | Virginia Tech Dendrology Factsheets (About This Site)

Littleleaf Linden | Virginia Tech Dendrology Factsheets (About This Site)

Tilia americana | Flora of North America (About This Site)

No corresponding entry

Tilia americana | Biota of North America Project (BONAP) (About This Site)

Tilia cordata | Biota of North America Project (BONAP) (About This Site)

Tilia americana | Missouri Plants (About This Site)

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