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2216 Plants Found

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Ordered by scientific name.

Scientific NameCommon NameMap‡
Symphyotrichum urophyllum (Lindl.) G.L. NesomWhite Arrowleaf Aster
Symphytum officinale L.common comfrey
Symplocos tinctoria (L.) L'Hér.Common Sweetleaf
Taenidia integerrima (L.) Drudeyellow pimpernel
Tamarix chinensis Lour.Five-stamen Tamarisk
Tamarix parviflora DC.smallflower tamarisk
Tanacetum vulgare L.common tansy
Taraxacum officinale F.H. Wigg.common dandelion
Taxodium distichum (L.) Rich.Bald Cypress
Tephrosia onobrychoides Nutt.multibloom hoarypea
Tephrosia virginiana (L.) Pers.Virginia tephrosia
Tetraneuris linearifolia (Hook.) Greenefineleaf fournerved daisy
Tetraneuris scaposa (DC.) Greenestemmy four-nerve daisy
Teucrium canadense L.Canada germander
Thalictrum dasycarpum Fisch. & Avé-Lall.Purple Meadow-rue
Thalictrum dioicum L.Early Meadow-Rue
Thalictrum revolutum DC.Waxyleaf Meadow-Rue
Thalictrum thalictroides (L.) Eames & B. BoivinRue Anemone
Thaspium barbinode (Michx.) Nutt.Hairy-jointed Medow-Parsnip
Thaspium trifoliatum (L.) A. GrayMeadow Parsnip
Thelypteris palustris Schotteastern marsh fern
Thlaspi arvense L.field pennycress
Thyrsanthella difformis (Walter) PichonClimbing Dogbane
Tilia americana L.American Basswood
Tipularia discolor (Pursh) Nutt.crippled cranefly
Tomostima reptans (Lam.) Al-Shehbaz, M.Koch & Jordon-ThadenCarolina Draba
Torilis arvensis (Huds.) Linkspreading hedgeparsley
Torilis japonica (Houtt.) DC.erect hedgeparsley
Torilis nodosa (L.) Gaertn.knotted hedgeparsley
Toxicodendron pubescens Mill.Atlantic Poison Oak
Toxicodendron radicans (L.) KuntzeEastern Poison Ivy
Toxicodendron rydbergii (Small ex Rydb.) GreeneWestern Poison Ivy
Toxicoscordion nuttallii (A.Gray) Rydb.Nuttall's Deathcamas
Tradescantia bracteata Smalllongbract spiderwort
Tradescantia ernestiana E.S. Anderson & WoodsonErnest's Spiderwort
Tradescantia hirsuticaulis SmallHairystem Spiderwort
Tradescantia longipes E.S. Anderson & WoodsonWild Crocus
Tradescantia ohiensis Raf.bluejacket
Tradescantia ozarkana E.S. Anderson & WoodsonOzark Spiderwort
Tradescantia paludosa E.S. Anderson & Woodsonconfederate spiderwort
Tragia betonicifolia Nutt.betonyleaf noseburn
Tragia cordata Michx.Heartleaf Noseburn
Tragia ramosa Torr.branched noseburn
Tragia urticifolia Michx.nettleleaf noseburn
Tragopogon dubius Scop.yellow salsify
Tragopogon porrifolius L.salsify
Tragopogon pratensis L.Jack-go-to-bed-at-noon
Trautvetteria caroliniensis (Walter) VailCarolina Bugbane
Trepocarpus aethusae Nutt. ex DC.whitenymph
Triadica sebifera (L.) SmallChinese Tallow
Trianthema portulacastrum L.desert horsepurslane
Tribulus terrestris L.puncturevine
Trichophorum planifolium (Spreng.) Pallabashful bulrush
Trichostema brachiatum L.fluxweed
Trichostema dichotomum L.forked bluecurls
Tridens flavus (L.) Hitchc.Purpletop
Tridens muticus (Torr.) Nashslim tridens
Tridens strictus (Nutt.) NashLongspike Tridens
Trifolium arvense L.Rabbitfoot Clover
Trifolium carolinianum Michx.Carolina clover
Trifolium dubium Sibth.Suckling Clover
Trifolium hybridum L.Alsike Clover
Trifolium incarnatum L.Crimson Clover
Trifolium nigrescens Viv.Small White Clover
Trifolium pratense L.Red Clover
Trifolium reflexum L.buffalo clover
Trifolium repens L.White Clover
Trifolium resupinatum L.reversed clover
Trifolium stoloniferum Muhl. ex EatonRunning Buffalo Clover
Trifolium striatum L.knotted clover
Trifolium vesiculosum Saviarrowleaf clover
Trillium flexipes Raf.nodding wakerobin
Trillium pusillum Michx.Dwarf Wakerobin
Trillium recurvatum BeckBloody Butcher
Trillium sessile L.toadshade
Trillium viridescens Nutt.Tapertip Wakerobin
Triodanis holzingeri McVaughHolzinger's Venus' looking-glass
Triodanis lamprosperma McVaughprairie Venus' looking-glass
Triodanis leptocarpa (Nutt.) Nieuwl.slimpod Venus' looking-glass
Triodanis perfoliata (L.) Nieuwl.Clasping Venus' Looking-glass
Triosteum angustifolium L.Yellowfruit Horse-Gentian
Triosteum aurantiacum E.P. BicknellOrangefruit Horse-gentian
Triosteum perfoliatum L.feverwort
Triplasis purpurea (Walter) Chapm.purple sandgrass
Tripsacum dactyloides (L.) L.Eastern Gamagrass
Tristagma uniflorum (Lindl.) Traubspringstar
Triticum aestivum L.common wheat
Typha angustifolia L.narrowleaf cattail
Typha domingensis Pers.southern cattail
Typha latifolia L.Broadleaf Cattail
Ulmus alata Michx.Winged Elm
Ulmus americana L.American Elm
Ulmus crassifolia Nutt.cedar elm
Ulmus pumila L.Siberian Elm
Ulmus rubra Muhl.Slippery Elm
Ulmus serotina Sarg.September Elm
Ulmus thomasii Sarg.Rock Elm
Urochloa platyphylla (Munro ex C. Wright) R.D. WebsterBroadleaf Signalgrass
Urochloa ramosa (L.) Nguyenbrowntop millet
Urochloa texana (Buckley) R. WebsterTexas Signalgrass
Urtica chamaedryoides Purshheartleaf nettle
Utricularia gibba L.Humped Bladderwort
Utricularia subulata L.Zigzag Bladderwort
Uvularia grandiflora Sm.largeflower bellwort
Uvularia sessilifolia L.sessileleaf bellwort
Vaccinium arboreum MarshallFarkleberry
Vaccinium corymbosum L.Highbush Blueberry
Vaccinium fuscatum AitonBlack Highbush Blueberry
Vaccinium pallidum AitonBlue Ridge Blueberry
Vaccinium stamineum L.deerberry
Valeriana matheziana Christenh. & ByngLongtube Cornsalad
Valeriana nuttallii (Torr. & A.Gray) Christenh. & ByngNuttall's Cornsalad
Valeriana ozarkana (Dyal) Christenh. & ByngBenjamin Franklin Bush
Valerianella locusta (L.) Lat.Lewiston cornsalad
Valerianella radiata (L.) Dufr.beaked cornsalad
Verbascum blattaria L.Moth Mullein
Verbascum thapsus L.Great Mullein
Verbena bracteata Cav. ex Lag. & Rodr.Bigbract Verbena
Verbena brasiliensis Vell.Brazilian vervain
Verbena halei SmallTexas vervain
Verbena hastata L.Blue Vervain
Verbena scabra Vahlsandpaper vervain
Verbena simplex Lehm.Narrowleaf Vervain
Verbena stricta Vent.Hoary Vervain
Verbena urticifolia L.White Vervain
Verbesina alternifolia (L.) Britton ex KearneyWingstem
Verbesina encelioides (Cav.) Benth. & Hook. f. ex A. GrayGolden Crownbeard
Verbesina helianthoides Michx.Gravelweed
Verbesina virginica L.White Crownbeard
Vernonia arkansana DC.Arkansas Ironweed
Vernonia baldwinii Torr.Baldwin's ironweed
Vernonia fasciculata Michx.Smooth Ironweed
Vernonia gigantea (Walter) Trel.Giant Ironweed
Vernonia missurica Raf.Missouri Ironweed
Vernonia noveboracensis (L.) Michx.New York Ironweed
Vernonia texana (A. Gray) SmallTexas ironweed
Veronica anagallis-aquatica L.water speedwell
Veronica arvensis L.corn speedwell
Veronica hederifolia L.ivyleaf speedwell
Veronica peregrina L.neckweed
Veronica persica Poir.Birdeye Speedwell
Veronica polita Fr.gray field speedwell
Veronicastrum virginicum (L.) Farw.Culver's Root
Viburnum dentatum L.Southern Arrowwood
Viburnum molle Michx.Softleaf Arrowwood
Viburnum nudum L.possumhaw
Viburnum prunifolium L.Blackhaw
Viburnum rafinesqueanum Schult.Downy Arrowwood
Viburnum recognitum FernaldSmooth Arrowwood
Viburnum rufidulum Raf.Rusty Blackhaw
Vicia americana Muhl. ex Willd.American vetch
Vicia caroliniana WalterCarolina vetch
Vicia cracca L.bird vetch
Vicia grandiflora Scop.Large Yellow Vetch
Vicia hirsuta (L.) Graytiny vetch
Vicia ludoviciana Nutt.Louisiana vetch
Vicia minutiflora F.G. Dietr.pygmyflower vetch
Vicia sativa L.garden vetch
Vicia tetrasperma (L.) Schreb.lentil vetch
Vicia villosa Rothwinter vetch
Vinca major L.Bigleaf Periwinkle
Vinca minor L.Common Periwinkle
Viola bicolor Purshfield pansy
Viola canadensis L.Canadian white violet
Viola lanceolata L.bog white violet
Viola missouriensis GreeneMissouri violet
Viola nephrophylla Greenenorthern bog violet
Viola palmata L.Early Blue Violet
Viola pedata L.birdfoot violet
Viola pedatifida G. Donprairie violet
Viola primulifolia Primrose-leaf Violet
Viola pubescens Aitondowny yellow violet
Viola sagittata Aitonarrowleaf violet
Viola sororia Willd.Common Blue Violet
Viola striata Aitonstriped cream violet
Viola tricolor L.johnny jumpup
Viola villosa WalterCarolina Violet
Vitex agnus-castus L.Lilac Chastetree
Vitis acerifolia Raf.Mapleleaf Grape
Vitis aestivalis Michx.summer grape
Vitis cinerea (Engelm.) Engelm. ex Millardgraybark grape
Vitis palmata Vahlcatbird grape
Vitis riparia Michx.Riverbank Grape
Vitis rotundifolia Michx.muscadine
Vitis rupestris Scheelesand grape
Vitis vulpina L.frost grape
Vulpia bromoides (L.) Graybrome fescue
Vulpia myuros (L.) C.C. Gmel.annual fescue
Vulpia octoflora (Walter) Rydb.sixweeks fescue
Waldsteinia fragarioides (Michx.) Tratt.Appalachian Barren Strawberry
Willkommia texana Hitchc.Texas willkommia
Wisteria floribunda (Willd.) DC.Japanese wisteria
Wisteria frutescens (L.) Poir.American Wisteria
Wisteria sinensis (Sims) DC.Chinese wisteria
Wolffia brasiliensis WeddellBrazilian watermeal
Wolffia columbiana Karst.Columbian watermeal
Woodsia obtusa (Spreng.) Torr.bluntlobe cliff fern
Woodwardia areolata (L.) T. Moorenetted chainfern
Xanthium strumarium L.rough cocklebur
Xyris jupicai Rich.Richard's Yelloweyed Grass
Xyris torta Sm.slender yelloweyed grass
Youngia japonica (L.) DC.Oriental false hawksbeard
Yucca arkansana Trel.Arkansas yucca
Yucca filamentosa L.Adam's Needle and Thread
Yucca flaccida Haw.Weak-Leaf Yucca
Yucca glauca Nutt.soapweed yucca
Yucca louisianensis Trel.Gulf Coast yucca
Zannichellia palustris L.Horned Pondweed
Zanthoxylum americanum Mill.common pricklyash
Zanthoxylum clava-herculis L.Hercules' club
Zea mays L.corn
Zeltnera texensis (Griseb.) G.Mans. ex J.S.PringleLady Bird's Centaury
Zephyranthes chlorosolen (Herb.) D.Dietr.Evening Rainlily
Zizaniopsis miliacea (Michx.) Döll & Asch.giant cutgrass
Zizia aptera (A. Gray) FernaldHeart-Leaf Golden Alexander
Zizia aurea (L.) W.D.J. KochGolden Alexanders

Page 1 2 3 4 5 of 5 pages with 2216 plants, 500 per page.

Article Status: ✓ = complete

Range map status: ∅ = No map,
= Our research
, accurate to lv (1,2,3,4) ecoregions,
= tentative, excludes Canada & Mexico
ERA = auto-generated from ERA data.

Map Legend: Native Introduced Extirpated Expanded Native or Not Present Introduced or Not Present Expanded or Not Present Native or Introduced or Not Present


Article Complete
Range Map
Map to L2
Map to L3

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